Agile developers.
The Norwegian Way.


Our services

Brainify Bangladesh provides software developers to Norwegian customers. We code in whatever language our clients desire: Java, C#,, PHP, Javascript (React.js, Node.js, NEXT) or anything else.

Our developers are highly skilled with professional English writing and verbal skills.

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Open positions

We have no open positions at this time

The story about Brainify

Brainify Bangladesh was founded in 2022 and works for foreign companies with a vast experience of software developers. 

Our dedication is to serve Norwegian and other foreign clients with great development teams in Dhaka. We are dedicated to make Brainify Bangladesh the greatest workplace in all of Bangladesh.

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The faces of Brainify

Meet some of the people of Brainify Bangladesh

Steve Roy

Steve Roy

Manager of operations
Henry Rolin

Henry Rolin


The Norwegian Way

Norway is much more than salmon and Nobel Peace Prices. The most valueable about Norway is – in our opinion – the Norwegian work culture. And we want to share that with our bengali co-workers.

Read about the Norwegian Way

Learn more about Norway